...Opposable Thumbs...
I have come to the conclusion
that my dog is an atheist.
Oh, I’ve suspected it
for some time now, but
as opposed to us humans,
they really have no motivation
to debone dogmatic matters.
Hey, they’re dogs.
Number ten on their maxed-out
meter of shame amounts to
doing something bad on the carpet.
No. In truth,
the first eye-opener to my dog’s
metaphysical leanings
had to do with light switches.
“Light switches?” you say?
Relative to my dog,
I’m pretty smart, but
this is not to say my dog is stupid.
It’s just that I have opposable thumbs,
and of course get all the
intelligence that goes with said thumbs.
For instance,
I can utilize said thumb
to flick a light switch
and have a pretty good idea as to
what’s gonna happen when I do.
Me? I’m sorta
beyond being impressed,
but, the dog?
Well... Let’s say
I’m standing there in a dark room,
but can still see well enough to
tell that the dog has wandered in
and is standing mid-carpet, looking at me.
When I step to the light switch and throw it,
suddenly transforming this room
into that awash with light,
what I expect from the dog is,
“Whoa! Hey!
What the...?
How did that hap...?
Did you do that?”
And yet... nothing.
Business as usual.
A slight hint of a tail wag and
there nothing more.
I kinda figure that this moment
has been my chance to play deity
and bring forth unto dog... light!
“Look dog. Light.
Aaaand, no light!”
Off. On.
Off. On.
And all the dog does
is blink his eyes.
There is no miracle here.
This dog is not amazed.
Instead, I rather think
the dog is putting on airs that
he knows something I don’t,
and before too much
canine vanity kicks in,
I give him a quick rebuke of,
“Oh yea buddy?
Well you don’t even have thumbs!”
And with that,
I throw the switch for the final time
and plunge his world into darkness.
When morning comes, I find him
sitting at the end of the bed
staring at me.
I roll out of bed,
open the window shade,
and am momentarily blinded
by the glare of the sun
upon far horizon.
Now, I know it is simply
a matter of earth rotation that
makes night transition to day.
There’s nothing special about it,
and yet...
I would like to be amazed.
Right now, just at this moment,
I would like to see something special
from this shaft of light now
streaming through the window.
Yes, as the dog and I
sit bathed in sunshine,
here on the edge of the bed,
it would say allot
if that glowing orb out there
would toggle off and on
a couple of times.
And yet it doesn’t.
All it does is slowly rise.
Rise and increase in intensity.
Indeed, it becomes so bright
that it causes the blink of my eyelids,
and during said moment of blink,
I acknowledge that the sun
has vanished and reappeared.
And the question remains:
did the sun covertly toggle
during those moments of blinking blind
or remain as steady as
its heat upon my face?
And while this guy
with the opposable thumbs
sits waiting for divine response,
the dog jumps down
and there saunters off into the
deep dark bowels of the house
in search of un-soiled carpet.
Ó05 Jack David Hubbell
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