Monday, June 01, 2020

   ...Face Paint...

Should you choose 
to gaze at me, 
here is what you’ll get:

One eye painted just so, 
   just      so… 
and to balance the visual equation,
an extra there on this 
horizontal plane,
a mere    
few inches    
to the right.

Further out,   two 
more or less matching ears…
Then back to the middle 
and down ever so,
there an oh so delicate yet 
somewhat overstated nose.
Beneath that you’ll find lips—  
lush, supple, with just a hint of fleshy.
Tear drops upon my cheeks  
and I with that perpetual smile. 

Everything in its proper place.
Just so.      
    Just so.      
        Just so.
A precise visage of bulbous symmetry
that equates to a beauty     un-eased.
Ahhhh… Mister DeMille, 
I’m ready    for my    close-up.

A recent survey of children found
that they universally dislike 
wallpaper that features 
the faces of clowns.
That they find it, quote:
“frightening” and      

And here just now, 
out on the horizon,
darkness descends on 
some child’s bedroom,
and there 
we find a young boy  
cowering beneath 
chin-drawn blankets.

Why?    Why?
Because today Mom n’ Dad deduced 
that he in his room of gloom
needed a little cheering up.
And that night…
That night his lights go dim 
   in a room of bedlam,
for there are    faces upon his wall.
Faces that look like 
none he has ever seen.
Malformed expressions of 
   Picasso proportions
all destined to induce 
lifelong Freudian trauma.

They put CLOWNS on his wall.

And there like Kurtz at the 
end of his gruesome river,
this boy lies staring up 
at his lone blank ceiling 

“The Horror.      
        The Horror.”

And so… 
And so here I stand,
gazing out into a room 
full of “unknowable” faces.
Some animate.
Some inanimate.
Some of you Pablo Picasso.
Some of you Francis Bacon.
Still others…   Edvard Munch.

Each unique face
an unknowable canvas of which
the requisite façade of paint 
   means nothing.
Enigmas every one of you.

And me?
You look at me and 
   see a clown.
Unlike you, 
I too wish I could 
dismiss it all as
nothing more than    façade,
but of course
we all know I’d be lying.

There in the distance…
The roar of lions.

The sound of a raucous calliope.

Pardon my abrupt departure   
but     somewhere a circus
   awaits its 
most precious    star.

©08 Jack Hubbell  

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