Thursday, June 18, 2020

  ...Taking Grace...

At the table next to mine,
two young men
have just dipped their heads
to say a prayer 
to their god.

Young urban professionals
bedecked with white shirts and dark ties,
they've paused to give grace for those 
paper wrapped parcels
of fast food sustenance
which lie before them
on plastic trays of 
equal matching color.

They are devout.

Only moments ago,
they were standing behind me in line,
spouting young urban 
professional mantras:
The horrors of liberal government.
The evil existence of taxes.
Moving closer to the counter,
one young man raises his voice
to put forth an epiphany 
that is meant to be heard
by all XY chromosome carriers 
in the immediate vicinity.

Quote: "Ya know,
I wish I had some black hole 
I could put money in
so my old lady couldn't 
get her hands on it."
His friend dittos agreement 
with a testosterone laden high-five
and resounding emission of, 

And here moments later…   devout.
I see them over at the adjacent table 
with heads bowed and I 
wonder from what fountain 
their sense of morality springs.
I'm afraid this epiphany 
would be lost on them,
so I do my mental shrug
and return to my own meal.

There to my left,
two young men 
raise their heads,
tear away the paper 
before them
and therewith 
devour the world.

Ó2000 Jack David Hubbell

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