Thursday, April 23, 2020

  ...Skilled Labor...

Such talent.
Such dexterity.
To handle so much
with such ease.
He's the man in charge of
all the shopping carts at
the local big chain food mart.

Is this what they call
"unskilled labor"?
Are they sure they
defined it properly?

He has a very special strap
with equally special hooks,
which he uses to lash
all the carts together.
It's a sophisticated strap.
He had to learn how to use it.

At this particular food mart,
not all carts are the same;
not all slip together in precision.
He has to know this.

Gathering all like carts,
he slams them together,
front to rear, front to rear.
He has to know this.

With his special strap,
he now lashes them together
like the parking lot cowboy he is.
Strays gathered, he now pulls them
out of their temporary corral
and begins herding them
towards the store's doors.

It's not just pushing.
There's a certain balletic grace.
The initial push
requires a lift of the left leg
which appears to be
the same six inches each time.

The carts all buckle
and twist together under stress.
The back wheels of the last cart
lift off the ground,
and oddly enough, so do those
on the front of the lead cart.

He is now propelling the
multi-jointed, multi-wheeled,
chromed steel exoskeleton
of a giant shopping centipede.
He has to know this.

He steers it down a long line
of four wheel vehicles and
past a multitude of mass consumers
who, by their facial expressions,
have failed to fathom
the amount of wheels this
one lone individual is in control of.

His expertise will never be appreciated.

It's the one part of his job
he has yet to learn.

Until then,
he's the luckiest man 
in the world.

Ó97 Jack David Hubbell

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