Tuesday, April 14, 2020

   ...An Achilles Resolution...

This has to do with seeing red, 
but such is not necessarily a bad thing. 
This has to do with knowing that 
red originates from deep within you, 
but again… not a bad thing. 
Oh, of course there's some pain involved, 
but it's not too uncomfortable 
considering I've a three to four inch gash 
in the heel of my left foot.    Again, 
I'm more mesmerized by the red. 

Let's cut to the quick. 
It was a boating accident. 
The prop.    And now 
I'm face down on a gurney 
in the emergency ward. 
Some white smocked intern 
has been diluting my heel 
with sterile as opposed to lake water and 
letting the tainted blood drain 
into a small stainless-steel pan. 

Chattering away, there comes a point 
where he goes to stand up and 
one of the buttons on his smock 
catches the lip of the pan, there 
causing it to pitch up and vomit its contents 
down the front of his pure white outer garment. 
The empty pan goes clattering to the floor 
and from his aghast lips I hear, 
"Oh my God! 
And there I am… 
A portion of me coating a good portion of him, 
and this fluid portion of me is so horrific 
that he feels compelled to call forth his god. 
There beneath my blood’s baptism 
has he perceived 
divinity or pure evil? 
Tis a dilemma of dichotic moral magnitude. 

Here he gingerly steps towards the door 
and lifting the smock to contain any 
further corruption on my part, 
scurries down the hall in a hasty attempt to 
rid himself of that which is me. 

Another intern, having seen red 
   surging down the hall, 
comes to the door to see that 
which is me upon the gurney and 
that which is me upon the floor. 
From his lips come the words, "Oh shit!" 
and I quickly come to realize 
my perceived status in this world 
has come down a few rungs. 

Looking down to my left, 
I can see a swath of me 
spreading out in a 
dark crimson arc across the floor. 
How much of that there on the floor 
still qualifies as 'is me' and 
what quantity now falls under the status of 
'was me'? 
And then, of course, 
how much of ‘whichever’ 
is simply shit? 
Would he have labeled me as such 
without some deep personal conviction? 

Lying there on the gurney, 
I come to realize that through the eyes of others, 
that which is me falls somewhere between 
the realms of the sacred 
and that of    shit. 
I myself believe I fall between neither. 

No. That which is me,
lying there on the gurney, 
is perfectly happy to savor the existence of 
the here and now, 
exquisitely laced with a
slow throbbing pain. 
An existential pain, 
which though minor, 
is steady 
and seemingly 
without end. 

 Ó04 Jack David Hubbell

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