Thursday, April 04, 2019

  ...Carmen Noriega...
Carmen rests upon my tongue,
and I herewith savor the flavor, 
yet what has been diction defined 
by such a salacious word as “savor”?
Pleasure versus dis…pleasure. 

Carmen rests upon my tongue 
and I am helpless to remove her. 
For said salivate would swirl as spit—
a passion pool of she and I, 
blended hence petit mal die. 

Carmen rests upon my tongue 
whilst there in the distant room, 
some tea kettle begins its scream of scald 
and here rouse rank sensation. 

Carmen’s fluid percolation 
now present upon my palate. 
Her somata of self, dire dispersed. 
Steeped unto languored liquid. 

She but sachet of tinctured tea 
lowered into my cup, 
and the lap of my tongue…
and the lap of my tongue… 
and the lap of my tongue 
come to cross her porcelain brim. 

Would any be stunned unto wonder 
that a woman such as this 
would fail to taste beautiful? 

Carmen Noriega was 
without a doubt quite beautiful, 
and here you envision such beauty 
having never caste eyes upon face. 

Carmen Noriega was indeed beautiful, 
yet what is to make such a statement 
if not to also acknowledge past tense?
What need the attainment 
of said ultimate allure if not 
also give sway to its loss? 

Was she not   ever so?    
Lo, but ever implies forever, 
and she now deemed finite. 

At twenty-seven years of age, 
the beauty which was Carmen Noriega 
sadly went missing, and 
   with it her body as well. 
For ten whole months 
they searched for her in vain. 
They in search of said beauty yet 
such beauty unseen, now in transition. 

A cup of tea. 
A mug of coffee. 
A bowl of broth. 
The flavor of blended beauty. 
Residents of Carmen’s apartment complex 
began to complain about the taste 
of the water coming out of their taps.

After ten long months 
a partially decomposed body 
was found floating in 
the apartment’s water tank. 

Carmen Noriega 
here rests upon my tongue, 
and yet try as I might, 
I still can’t get her off. 

Ó2017 Jack David Hubbell 

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