I have come to the
brutal conclusion
that she does not like me.
That her every action is
premeditated and
meant to deliver
the utmost of agony.
That she is determined to
bring me to the pinnacle
of excruciating pain,
and I… I barely know her.
Oh, I can understand how
she might not find me adorable,
for contrary to popular belief,
I am not easy to love.
(Not for less than
twenty dollars anyway)
Anyway, no.
I do not expect her to
leap-frog love to lust in
less than twenty minutes,
but neither did I expect the
zero to sixty race to hate
she has herewith traveled.
What could I have done?
What could I have said to have
brought her to this
level of sadistic fervor?
Blood lust? No,
there’s really no lust involved here.
Blood yes.
There’s plenty of blood.
It pools there at the back of my throat,
but this and the fact that now and then
I emit the faintest gurgling sound
means very little to her.
What care has she of
my heightened discomfort?
Here in this specialized chair
with glaring light above,
there is no compassion to be found,
for she… She is my
own personal Dental Hygienist.
She is my mistress of pain.
And it is here I find myself
Pondering all the fine print
I may have overlooked when
I signed the contract with this
particular dental establishment.
I sorta figure the letters ‘S’ and ‘M’
should have been in
a somewhat bolder font.
Oh, I’d raise my hand to address
what I feel is a question
of legal clarification,
but at the moment she’s got
a stainless steel dental pick
buried deep between two of my
all time favorite teeth
and I’m just not
too keen to distract her.
Okay. Straight-up question here:
Do you think there’s any connection
between the ‘D’ of Dental Hygienist
and the ‘D’ of a Dominatrix?
Oh, not that she’s truly aware
that she’s being a said dominatrix.
Could all very well be subconscious.
Could be that my being a man
might somehow equate to
each of my teeth being also manly.
And that every manly tooth
represents some miserable
jerk from her past who
did her wrong.
Up there in the front
she’s working an incisor.
And ain’t that the guy
who asked her to the prom
but came to stand her up
at the very last minute?
Oh yea.
Gotta get some dental pick action
on THAT one.
And knuckles go white
as my fingertips gouge grooves
into the vinyl armrests.
What about that canine tooth
just to the right…
Ain’t that the son of a bitch
from the office party who told her
the only way to get ahead
was to give it?
And she scrapes the tip of the pick
sharply down the length of enamel
and into the gum line.
Next she moves to a nearby molar.
One that I have always thought of as
“My Sweet Tooth”.
And she? No. Not quite.
She sees it as something else.
Indeed, she sees the face
of her first husband.
He who came home late one night
and introduced something venereal
into their loving relationship.
Oh, and how did THAT happen, huh?
Yes, there the pick’s metallic tip
levers into the tooth’s tender root.
And I notice that someone in the room
is moaning.
I figure there’s a pretty good chance
it’s me.
What’s that there in the back?
Some dark and horrid cavity?
The man who currently shares her bed?
The man who just last night,
knocked her sprawling
over the coffee table?
The man who loomed above her
the way she now looms over me?
That him?
Is that cavity him?
And me?
What about me?
Just like her,
I only want to be loved,
but let’s face it.
I’m a man
and probably deserve
everything I get.
©08 Jack David Hubbell
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