Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Saturday, April 27, 2019

  ...Cold White Porcelain...

Once upon a time in days of yore, 
you could actually perform 
the solitary act of flushing a toilet 
  all by your lonesome.
It was a time of boldness, 
  when you were on your own.
When you were    self-empowered.
When you and only you 
got to make the choice
as to when the present ended
   and the past began.
The moment when you 
were permitted to say,
“That…    That was me.
That was me but here at
this    precise    moment,
   it all ends.
Herewith I begin anew.
I     have had enough    of that     shit.”

Yes, in a lifetime of existence
where-upon every movement 
  from inner to outer
is enveloped within the usurping need
   of an almighty other,    
  there is no lever.
No lever to  
  lever yourself away
     from that which you once were.
No.      Now there is a sensor.
An electronic eye that
acknowledges your significant presence
at this moment of     
soulful evacuation.
I think therefore I am.
I make ca-ca     therefore I was.
Fecal fidelity unto    forlorn finality.

In these times of rampant existential angst,
I suppose it’s a good thing that
urinals have built in flush sensors.
Well…     Good for men anyway.
Surely there are moments when a woman
acquires notable issues with self-esteem.
Moments when her 
corporeal presence tends to ebb.
Moments when she wanes and
her timid trace tilts to translucence.
When she looks at her reflection 
there in the mirror
and comes to question whether
what she   in reality  sees
is a sheath of spectral skin…
A taunt ethereal veil
on the verge of evaporation.
An accursed vacuous hull,
she paints her face with
opaque pigmentation
in an effort to elude 
the evanescent
and yet…   
And yet there she stands,
fraught at the thought 
of perpetual dénouement.

Tis a Sisyphean ordeal 
of whichwe men 
are mostly spared.
Throughout the day
we expose ourselves 
before porcelain
and there at the final 
shudder of expenditure,
ease away with an 
upward zip of dismissal,
there to have the all knowing 
  omnipotent sensor
acknowledge the absence of our
waggle worthy wieners
with a wash of whirling water.
There throughout the day,
we return again and again
to stand flaccid before white ceramic,
full well knowing 
our pending benediction
by way of     valvular      validation
   is only moments away.

We   men   are   so    vain.
What would we be 
without our precious urinals?
Subjugated to that well-worn whim 
  of the willful woman?
“Ye gods man!
Just once in your life
could you put 
the frickin’ 
toilet seat down?!”

Tis a hateful hurtful mantra 
  of ill-will intent.
A sexual social 
interactive conflict
of malignant significance
which the advent 
of the upright urinal
   all but alleviated.
Indeed, here in the 21stcentury,
the horrific contact of bare buttock to
cold white porcelain
has become a folkloric tale
told to insight 
convulsive spasms of terror
around the glow 
of late night campfires.

Ah well…
Such is life in the modern world.
But there was a time 
  before porcelain.
Before urinals.
Before indoor plumbing.
   The stained chamber pot.
      The rustic outhouse.

A time when we stood in the woods
with our fuzzy pudenda 
exposed to the gods of old.
It was a laughable matter,
  but not to us,
because we   
did not     get   
  the joke.

With no flush sensor 
to provide our noble affirmation,
we stood naked     
amidst that of    hoof and tail;
that of tangled root and clinging vine;
that of brutal tooth and     horn.

Yes, back in those 
feral days of ignorance.
In those ecstatic days of    Eden.

In those primeval days
when a man 
or woman 
could stand    
(or squat)    
and say,

This looks like   
a damn good spot.”

And indeed     
there was a time 
  when it was.

©09 Jack Hubbell

Thursday, April 25, 2019

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Monday, April 22, 2019

Sunday, April 21, 2019

Saturday, April 20, 2019

Thursday, April 18, 2019

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Monday, April 15, 2019


That which does not kill you, 
   makes you. 
Makes you  what? 
Makes you  how?
Makes you      who?

Within this slapdash existence 
of potential mortality, and 
against all feasible odds, 
I have somehow managed 
   to persevere. 
I, fully aware of this and that 
and those and them proposed 
to mar and mangle 
this life I hold so dear. 

That which does not kill you. 
Does not maim you. 
Soon  mal-
   deforms you. 

It is herewith simply assumed 
that I in body 
come complete.
That I’ve toes upon my feet. 
That my sense of sight is sound. 
That I can tell what’s up from down. 
That I can see what’s there on the ground. 
That my body veers to vacant 
from the horror I’ve there found. 

That that which renders fear adheres 
to sear my sheltered psyche. 
This is a state of mind 
and my mind is in a state. 

It slithers, and 
it slithers, and 
it slithers, slithers, slithers, 
for it’s said that I’ve 
a ball of snakes 
coiled ‘bout my 
basal ganglia. 

They say dead-center 
my primordial head 
you will therein find 
a reptilian brain. 
And they would have me 
here look inward, 
yet that which there 
returns my gaze, 
remains a viperine vision of which 
I dare not care to know. 

And though my higher mammalian mind 
would have me limbic limbo ‘neath 
a septic serpent’s stomach, 
it remains a synaptic swamp of which 
I do not care to visit. 

This feeding, 
this fighting, 
this fleeing, 
this fucking. 

‘F’ ALL that shit, for I will 
not consume the snake, no, 
will not combat that 
thing with tail and scale, 
and it and I most certainly won’t… 
   …come to copulate. 

Condom or no, I condemn it. 
That a snake wear a condom seems foolish. 
Indeed that anyone’s rancid reptile mind 
finds fetish in a snake found phallic 
be they damned. 
   Be they damned. 
      Be they cast from Eden damned. 

‘F’ and ‘F’ and ‘F’ and ‘F’. 
Unfettered of the letter, 
I would flee. I would fly. 
Would most surely have fled.
I now with tail here unfurled. 
I now with split-tongue set a sputter. 

And yet… 
And yet here I stand 
so lithe and lathed utter legless. 
Disarm alarmed and 
tube torso traumatic. 

Limbic sans limb and 
limb loss akimbo, 
I collapse upon ground, 
foot foiled and coiled catatonic. 

Now serpentine in body, 
sinuous bone next sinuous bone. 
Denied limb to amble yonder, 
I am lashed within this hither, 
for my reptile mind 
has thus decreed, 
its only option:   

Ó2019 Jack David Hubbell

  ....Sara at the Coliseum.... 

Friends, Romans, put down your beers. 
I stand here before you 
with a story of great import. 
‘Tis a telling of heroic proportion… 
nay, legend. 

Visualize if you will, the Coliseum. 
A Coliseum soaked not with blood, 
but with hooch. 
Yes, hooch. 
Booze. Suds. Liquor. Libation. 
Alcohol if you will. 
Take a hit. 
Cannonball that. 
The next warrior 
is about to enter the arena. 

Kick an empty beer bottle across the floor. 
Ah… Now that’s poetry. 
Sling a thousand bottles down the Coliseum’s steps. 
That’sa proper fanfare. 
Yes, and there amidst the 
din of shattered glass… 
For lo, but beneath earthy floorboards 
you can hear the roar of the beasts, 
and how they bellow for more spilt pilsner! 

And now, 
out from the ranks of 
our downed and vanquished gladiators, 
A chant arises. 
“Sara. Sara. Sara.” 

[And at this point , 
the narrator is forced to interject with, “Sara? 
What the heck kinda’ 
name for a warrior is that?”

The games call for another victim.
And yet 
there is no victim
What you have here 
is the deadliest of poet warriors. 
No mere bone cruncher, 
but poem cruncher. 
Her words are sharp. 
Her verse heavy as a lead mace. 
Yeah, but she strides forward 
into the arena and 
an ocean of ankle deep lager 
rises to part before her. 

Her armor of choice is unusual. 
Yes, sports fans. 
Today Sara appears to have chosen 
an oversized knit cardigan, 
and beneath that, 
low-cut denim jeans 
with just a hint of a dark t-shirt. 

Menacing stuff indeed, 
but such sinister fashion 
has been lost on the 
inebriated masses. 
Perhaps this nondescript apparel 
was designed to make her 
appear invisible. 
though her fellow gladiators 
know of her presence all too well, 
to the drunken hordes 
arrayed about the coliseum, 
she is persona non grata. 

No matter. 
Sara circles around to square off 
before an archaic microphone 
circa 2003 BC,  
and settling into a broad stance, 
words begin to dart forth 
and thrust outward. 
Where all previous poet combatants 
had chosen bludgeoning verbiage 
via heavy bladed broadsword, 
Sara’s attack comes by way of 
exquisite rapier. 
Its shimmering surface 
projects a vocal glissade 
out to the arena’s far reaches. 

Indeed, there at the back of the Coliseum, 
one of the inebriated spectators pauses 
mid broken bottle to ocular socket 
and remarks, 
“Hey dude! She’s talking’ ‘bout sex!” 

Yes. Oh, Yes. 
Sara’s talkin’ ‘bout sex. 
The punters way up in the bleachers 
ease back their oral fixation 
upon long neck liquid phallus’ 
and rack bleary eyes 
towards the lethal siren 
behind the microphone. 

The murmur from the back row 
sweeps forward. 
Oh yes. Sex good. 
Sex is our friend. 
We like sex.” 

Yes. Sara’s talkin’ ‘bout sex, but hey! 
This ain’t a dirty poem. 
Hell, the dirty poems 
are up in the bleachers. 
[Oh yea, and also what’s going on 
underneath that table right there.]

No. Sara’s serving up clean sex. 
Keen edged clean sex that 
skewers the soft pink eardrums of 
each and every booze binging Roman. 
Except, you know, 
for those there distracted 
beneath that table.] 

A poetic martial art, 
her wordsmith utterances slither forth 
to slice Roman cerebellum with 
double edged XY chromosome. 

Yes. If Sara bleeds, 
she bleeds pure estrogen. 
An estrogen of such might 
that it vanquishes every 
testosterone laced, 
booze braced poet 
who ever preceded her. 

And then… 
And then some blotto Roman 
pulls his thumb from his waistband, 
raises it above the table before him 
and wraps it around the lip 
of a longneck Budweiser. 
With this, one hundred thousand 
toga attired bacchanalian sots follow suit. 

Yes. For a few seconds, 
poetry rolled forth over 
the entire tanked up Roman empire. 
For a few seconds, 
culture and civilization reigned. 
For a few seconds… 

Then some drunken idiot in the back 
got out his fiddle, started to play, 
and the lady at the mic 
was swept away to oblivion. 

Rome may be burning, 
but what the fuck. 
Put another keg on the tap. 
Bring another poet to the slaughter. 

has left 
the building. 

c 03 Jack Hubbell