Wednesday, March 06, 2019

Walter says that in reality, 
people are best shot in the head. 
And though I’ve no reason to doubt 
his more than capable aim, 
I rather take exception to 
his concussed concept of said reality. 

That he would look upon humanity 
and see nothing but flitting silhouettes… 
Lessor tin figures of indiscriminate shape, 
darting to-and-fro across 
the backdrop of some carnival’s rifle arcade. 

They not of facial feature but 
concentric ring and prized bull’s eye.
They not of mind but melon. 
They of cranial seedless cavity; 
ripe repository for 
the bullet of his being. 

And here Walter eases back the slide 
of his ballistic sadistic self, 
stripping round from magazine 
and routing it to the maw 
of his oral discharge chamber. 

And perhaps you’ve come to ponder 
   Walter’s liable lethal intent, 
but such malignant thought would infer 
that he was somehow human, 
yet such menace of mind 
   is not born of mankind 
for the fact that boner of man born bone  
   do not kill   people. 
No, gun born by boner kills people. 

And what is Walter if not a gun?
What is Walter if not trigger, 
a hammer, 
   a barrel, 
      a muzzle? 

What is Walter’s maniacal mouth 
if not itself  mayhem  un-muzzled? 
What is his caliber of being 
if not that of magnum force? 
What is his projectile opinion 
if not full of hollow points? 
His balletic bullet statement bone honed,  
careening rot thought    dot to dot. 
Nay for Walter a gun is a gun is a gun 
is a bazooka, a canon, a battleship, 
is a thermo    nuclear    warhead. 
Fifty mega-tons of id fed mental mass. 
Gas blast fecal flatulence 
afoul his shit-head sense of self. 

Uncensored surreality, 
shotgun spray and societal spit 
of obit… obit… obit. That’s it. 
Gatling-gun fundamental ill-will; 
a cyclic rate o’ sick;
a lewd tattooed body-count 
points and potential accrued; 
a rifled screw rude, 
spun gun-metal blued; 
fifty rounds o’ lead unladen 
spiral jism spewed a scatter-shot skewed. 
Erectile pumped dum-dum slug through 
a lead-bled cerebellum and its errant 
chicane about the brain.
Train of feigned mind now insane. 
His profane bane sustained via 
some token torpedo tally 
de la mort. 

Married to the glow of that 
screen arrayed before him, 
his eyes now blink in syncopation 
to an icon’s vibrant strobe. 

our Lady of Perpetual Reload 
would like Walter to select self-benediction, 
and recharge thine divine 
   unholy pistola 
anew, anow and anon. 

Yet Walter here now chooses to 
program pause instead, and 
one of many layers within 
his spastic virtual reality 
grinds bone to bone and halts. 

Suppressing the urge to urinate, 
Walter rests his game controller 
atop persistent piss hard-on,  
thrusts phallic fist down digit-deep 
within some family-sized bag of Cheetos 
and crams a handful into his face. 

And there… 
Just there at that 
malignant moment
when he begins 
to choke and gag, 
what is that blessed expression 
upon Walter’s contorted face 
if not concentric ring upon ring 
and an oh so prized bull’s eye? 

2018 Jack David Hubbell

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