Monday, January 18, 2021

  ...Naked Sushi...

I had my teeth cleaned today, 

and oh they feel so 

sharp across the tongue. 

You know, I really feel 

I should bite someone. 

Far better to do that 

than anything so horrible as 

self-inflicted oral laceration. 


Perhaps it’s simply a matter 

   of bad timing. 

I mean, what with the fact that 

there’s a live human body 

on that table displayed 

amidst all the other raw flesh. 


Actually, there’s two figures, 

both at an average mean temperature 

   of 98.6.

One pumpin’ estrogen 

and one testosterone. 


The fish? 

The fish is dead. 


Yes, it’s naked sushi 

sans sauce or sausage, and 

me with freshly sharpened teeth. 


Now, perhaps it’s a matter of bad taste. 

I’m just not keen   on biting a guy. 

Call me a culinary homophobe 

   reverse misogynist. 

It certainly wouldn’t be the first time. 


I know that fair play states 

I should bite the guy equally. 

I acknowledge that this is the 

politically correct thing to do, 

   but jeez! 

What would people think? 

Would it be okay if I bit the girl first 

and then she bit the guy? 


Perhaps it’s a matter of a bad past. 

You know, 

it really wasn’t me 

who started all this 

mastication mayhem. 

Listen: as a boy I once 

agitated my sister so badly 

that she bit me on the arm. 

   Drew blood. 

      Left a scar. 


So I have issues, 

but someone has to pay. 


Perhaps it’s a matter 

of bad omophagia. 


The eating of raw food. 

But hey! 

I don’t wanna eat nobody. 

Hell! I’m not 

sick in the head or nothin’. 

I just wanna bite someone. 

Is that so wrong?


Perhaps it’s a matter 

of bad dentistry. 

Why else would I have been 

forced to wear braces 

all those years as a child 

if not for the culmination of 

this tusk and bicuspid moment? 


Naked sushi? 

Fuck that fish. 

I’m going for 

the sausage!


Ó04 Jack David Hubbell

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