Sunday, May 19, 2019

  ...Troth unto Troth...

Color-blind by design, way 
back before they were sexed, 
being anatomically incorrect, 
they became the best of friends. 

Indeed, it would literally be years 
before she would find him blue, 
and he find her pink. 
Until then they homogeneous; 
their rainbows shades of grey. 

They kinder in their garden, 
absent apple, vacant snake, 
hand in hand, before the fall. 

They learn of sugar and spice, 
   of puppy dog tails. 
That girls will be girls 
and boys will be boys, 
and both in turn are ucky, 
nay icky, nay just plain gross. 
That the only way 
you’d ever find each other 
holding hands was 
during a dreaded fire drill. 
“Over my dead body!” as it were. 
This long before they’d learn to long. 

Yet they resolve to evolve, 
and puberty soon arrives. 
She now anatomically quite correct;
he nothing more than erect. 

Of this they dare not say a word, 
for the greatest act of intimacy 
that a boy and girl could ever know 
would be that of holding hands. 
 That is, until that perilous moment 
when each one’s respective 
tooth and tongue comes in 
close proximity to the other, 
and all that negates 
the pending rend of flesh 
is the fortuitous presence 
   of purse and pout. 
That one pair of lips might 
choose to gnaw at another’s 
and there find it somehow erotic 
is the strangest of dire desires. 
Oh, and the taunt and titillation 
their tongues were want to do
was pucker peculiar indeed. 

And then they in the 
back seat of a car 
where frantic furtive hands 
werepermittedfelicitous functions 
other than that of holding the other. 
And it wasn’t long after this that 
their hands came to find 
each other again; they 
troth unto troth connubial. 

And they come to produce a child 
who at its striven best 
could manage to wrap 
the whole of its minute hand 
about the smallest of their fingers. 
 And it’s only a moment later 
that this same hand 
comes to wave as it 
heads off for school and beyond. 

Once boy and girl, 
now woman and man, 
   husband and wife, 
      mother and father, 
they now as aging couple alone, 
ensconced upon a porch swing, 
pensive hand within that of the other, 
waiting for that wistful wave to return. 

Decades tick by 
as if passing seconds, 
and here the only waves 
that greet forsaken eyes 
are those from the hands 
of an apathetic clock. 

Forlorn lovers whose liver-spot hands 
cling one to the other as vines entwined. 
They there embraced
beneath liniment layers of flannel 
   and blanket cerement. 
Each with dread of morning’s arrival; 
there finding the other’s hand 
cold to the touch. 

That this clutch of one’s warmth 
within the ardor of another’s 
should ever come to end. 
That there will 
inevitably come a time 
where one remains above ground; 
the other’s remains below. 

That now wizened hands 
might come to reach forth 
in quest of a beloved other, 
yet there grasp naught 
but ethereal void.

And then… 
And then that given grace 
when they as lovers are 
once again found beneath blanket, 
though this 
be a blanket 
of earth. 

And here both come to germinate. 
Remains here rendered rhizome, 
they two as root resurrected; 
hand unto hand once again. 

Dirt to dirt. 
Love unto loam. 
Once they were two, 
and now… 
they both are one. 

Ó2019 Jack David Hubbell

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